Applying for a new bus pass*

The Transport for NSW (TfNSW) currently issues subsidised transport for eligible students travelling on NSW buses. Under the School Student Transport Scheme (SSTS) any student wishing to apply for free bus travel is required to complete the online application form. Click here to apply now.
All students going into Kindergarten and Year 7 or who have not previously held a bus pass are required to apply for a new bus pass.

Request an application review with TfNSW

Should your initial application not be approved and you wish to seek a review of your students bus travel with TfNSW the following is a list of valid and invalid reasons for requesting a review.

Valid reasons listed by TfNSW for requesting your review:

  • Unsuitable Pedestrian Infrastructure

  • Medical Exemption

  • Legal/Child Services

Invalid reasons listed by TfNSW to request a review:

  • Time and length of the journey between home and school

  • Concern for personal safety, ie. age of student or adverse weather conditions

  • Student is carrying heavy equipment

  • Request for travel outside of the walking route between home and school, ie. child minding services, extra-curricular activities

  • Perception that a suburb or particular location may be dangerous due to assault, vandalism or antisocial behaviour

  • Student is required to accompany their siblings or another student who requires assistance

  • Student has a one-off injury or a minor, temporary or irregular condition

  • Parent/guardian has a medical condition

How to update your current bus pass*

If the student already has a school bus pass and their address, school or name changes their details will need to be updated. Click here to update now.

Track your application*

If you have applied for a school bus pass, you'll be able to track the status of your application using your N or UN number. Track your application here.

For all other applications:

  • You can't track an application starting with application ID prefix 'UE', 'TBP' or 'R'.

  • 'UE' prefixes: you will be notified by email shortly after applying if your request to change operators has been approved.

*Please note the TfNSW webpage is currently incompatible with mobile devices. We suggest using a computer or laptop to lodge your application. Having problems with your online application? Please contact TfNSW on 131500.

When applying for a bus pass please note we operate in the Rural & Regional NSW zone and the Opal Card is not accepted or used in rural and regional NSW.
For further information or other eligibility requirements check out the 2016/17 Rural and regional School Travel Passes information brochure, or feel free to contact our office or the TfNSW

Need to purchase a student bus pass? Download our Purchased Bus Pass Student Information, complete the form and return to your bus driver or our office.

Need a replacement bus pass? Download our Replacement Bus Pass Form, complete and return to your bus driver or our office.

Transport Connected Bus Program and real time trip information

Timetables and route maps for your child/s bus route can by found at
Enter your 4-digit school bus number - for most school buses this should start with an “S8” unless it is 415 in which case no “S” is required.

If you would like to download an app to view this information there are a range of third-party transport apps found at

Further information for regular and school buses can be found at

We currently have over 30 buses that pick up students from, but not limited to the following areas: Sandy Hollow, Denman, Martindale, Muswellbrook, Manobalai, Aberdeen, Dartbrook, Scone, Merriwa, Ellerston, Isis River, Gundy, Bunnan, Kars Springs, Middlebrook and the surrounds of these areas. Delivering them to the following schools: Denman Public, St Joseph’s Primary School Denman, Muswellbrook High, St James’ Primary School Muswellbrook, Muswellbrook Public, Muswellbrook South Public, Muswellbrook Christian School, St Joseph’s High School Aberdeen, Aberdeen Public, Scone Grammar, Scone High, Scone Public, St Mary’s Primary School Scone and extras if required.